Getting Started with AOSP:
Setup build environment, Sync the source and Build

Getting Started with AOSP: Setup build environment, Sync the source and Build

Android (Android Open Source Project) is an open source mobile operating system which runs the Linux kernel underneath. It is primarily designed for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. As it's an open source operating system, anyone can build it for any device.

Today we will start with Setting up our Build Environment, sync the AOSP source and then build AOSP.

Setup the Environment

Make sure you are running a Linux Operating System (Ubuntu is preferred). I will be using Ubuntu as an example.

First, we will Install the following packages in our Ubuntu-based system, which will be needed to build AOSP.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y bc bison build-essential ccache curl flex g++-multilib gcc-multilib git gnupg gperf imagemagick lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-dev lib32z1-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libssl-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop pngcrush rsync schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev python ssh python2 patchelf binutils

Let's set up our git credentials in our build environment. git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name"

Let's install repo now. Read more about repo over here mkdir -p ~/.bin PATH="${HOME}/.bin:${PATH}" curl > ~/.bin/repo chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo

Sync the source

As we are done with setting up our build environment for building AOSP, Let's sync the AOSP sources.

First let's make a new folder named aosp using mkdir and navigate into it using cd

mkdir aosp
cd aosp

Now we have to initiate the AOSP manifest into the current folder.

repo init -u -b BRANCH


BRANCH -> The AOSP branch you want to sync. It is mostly the Android version and its tag. Suppose you want to sync Android 12.1 version r2 tag. You have to put android-12.1.0_r2. You can check all the available tags here.

Alternatively, you can add --depth=1 option before -u in repo init if you don't want the commit history of the source code.

After you have initiated the AOSP manifest, the next step is to sync the source which can be done by a repo command.

repo sync

Alternatively, you can add options with repo sync command. A few commonly used options are:

--force-sync -> This option force syncs the source over the current one and nuke any changes made in the source.

-jx -> It mentions the number of threads to be used in syncing the source. x signifies the number of threads. Example: -j4 means the sync will use 4 threads.

Building AOSP

If you have followed the following steps, I am sure you have successfully synced the AOSP source code. Now you can build AOSP for your Google Pixel devices or any other device (needs external device trees to be cloned).

After you are done with your device trees, Just follow the steps to start building AOSP.

Initialize the AOSP environment with the script.

. build/


source build/

Then we have to lunch the device.

lunch aosp_device-buildtype


device -> the device codename

buildtype -> the build type: user for production builds, userdebug for debuggable builds which are like user type, eng is solely for debugging and not recommended for production.


Suppose I want to build for Google Pixel 6a userdebug build, so my lunch command will be:

lunch aosp_bluejay-userdebug


bluejay -> The device codename of Pixel 6a

userdebug -> Build type

Then, we can finally start compilation of AOSP for our device by running the command:

make otapackage

This will make a flashable AOSP zip for your device. After the compilation is done, you will find your zip in out/target/product/devicecodename directory.

Thanks for the read, Stay Tuned for some more interesting posts.